An Early Love Revitalized

Micah Biffle
5 min readMay 24, 2019

The moon is falling behind and the sun is catching up. Madeline and me have taken our sails to the port of Surie, a place where the surroundings are peaceful. Where every one you pass smiles with elation of the mere ability to breathe.

At least, that is what we are told. We had received a pamphlet in the mail about three months ago. Describing Surie and displaying beautiful pictures of golden sunsets, birds soaring against glittering waters while people hold drinks with faces of laughter and joy.

Everything about it looked spectacular. And our hearts needed an escape. A place to revitalize ourselves. It had been five years since we last dropped our bags in another place.

Five years since we said, “I do.” Five wonderful years I might add. But those five years were not without their pain, the miscreants of life. So, hand in hand we decided to take this trip.

To unload our hearts of the burdens before us and reevaluate our purpose. It is easy to be swept up in the daily grinds of life. The payment of bills, mistakes and other unwelcoming things of life.

And unfortunately three weeks before our slip to paradise away from home, we had a miscarriage. A very unexpected divot in the road, or rather a flood we had to traverse. It created an emotional wind in our lives.

We so dearly wish for a child but have yet to be granted the wonder of one. The chance to give another the beauty of the physical. We long for a family but we also know the hassles it can bring.

We are not blind to the turmoil it shall bestow, but we are also not blind to the magic it can birth. And if one does not see a child as a miracle, then one long forgot the happiness it was to be one.

So here we are, sailing safely into port with our hearts beating in unison. Smiles upon our faces and two bags each, well, two for me and four for her. We dock our boat at the guest dock.

We pull our baggage from the boat. As we do, my wife is hugged in a soft breeze, her light locks of caramel take up to the warm wind. As her strawberry sundress waltzes upon her.

The glow of the sun kisses her cinnamon skin. It reflects with an aura of grace. And as I look to her, her copper eyes interject to my gazing, accompanied with a smile. And I can’t help but feel grateful for such a spirit in my life. To have been granted such beauty along with such strength.

Locking eyes, I am drifted to a swell of euphoria, I feel myself lifted to the clouds. Our souls spill over the moment like honey. We entwine with utter harmony. And with no words at all we are pulled by the gravity of our love.

Our lips attract with affection and we gently fall to each others embrace. I can feel our hearts race, our souls tingle with love as we lose ourselves in each other.

The gentle waves caress the legs of the dock. Crashing with perfect rhythm, the sun is rising, warming us with its radiant grasp. We are completely lost, lost to this moment. We succumb to the beauty we had already forgotten was there.

Already we had neglected our purity for each other at the hands of life. The everyday things that keep us distracted. The roses beneath our ribs have yearned for the essence of our love. And we have left them to dry, to hang upside down.

Thinking that love can be sustained through the trivial idea of just existing. But no more, for as we elate to this moment of passion. We are revitalized, ascending to that heaven of our hearts.

This moments lasts for what feels like hours but is only a few minutes. We find ourselves pressed against a dock leg, its wide body reaching a few feet higher than us.

We look to each with loving smiles and as we do, a gentleman in khaki shorts and a white polo approaches us, “Excuse me,” He says as he looks to a small clip board, “are you Mr and Mrs. Here.”

Looking to the man and his pristine bald head I reply, “Yes, that is us.”

The gentleman lowers the clip board to his side while extending out his other hand. We shake hands, “My name is Gwelay, I am your host for this adventure while you are here. If there is anything you need please call this number.”

Our shake ends as he reaches into his pocket and hands us his card. “Any time at all, please call. I am here to help make your time here stress free.”

I look to Madeline with beatific eyes smiling and reply, “I think we are one step ahead of you.” Madeline smiles and plants a gentle kiss upon my lips.

Gwelay, lowering his hand from giving his card, “Ha, very well, may I ask where your luggage is?”

My wife releases herself from me and guides Gwelay to the luggage, “It is just right here, but we can take it up ourselves.”

Gwelay looking at the luggage, “No, no no, Mrs. Here, I will gladly take it, I will call up some help and they shall have it sent to your room. Please, allow me.” Gwelay approaches a phone attached to one of the dock legs and calls for assistance. A few moments go by and he hangs up the phone, “If you wish, you may head up to the villa and grab a drink or meal. Your room will be ready in one hour. If you would like a tour of place, head to the front desk of the hotel and ask for Manuel, he will gladly show you around. Welcome to Surie and please don’t be afraid to make this place like your second home.”

Gwelay insisting we leave we decide to part ways and head to the villa. As we head up the dock the sun is clear in the sky behind us and in-front is a beautiful sand pathway way with sandstone steps leading to an amazing courtyard.

Standing at the top of the steps we look around as an oasis lives before our eyes. A fountain one story high sprays into the air releasing a calm mist. As palm trees hug the outer edge of the courtyard while a hand carved and painted mural of a sunset lays before our feet in the entire courtyard.

Our imagination is was far off from what we expected. We are greatly enthralled but have already found our paradise. But we keep ourselves humbled in the acceptance of what we have sailed to find.

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What do you think was missing this whole time? Did they really need a vacation, a paradise away from home?

leave yourself some room, failures are inevitable, A Man’s Traveled Heart

Coming soon, The Bleeding of Words

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Micah Biffle
Micah Biffle

Written by Micah Biffle

Just a man beneath the thumbprint of God. A man wandering like any other, wondering what will come of him.(Instagram @poemjunkybiffle)

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