_ It is Up to You _
I can say nothing to change what is
Or what has been
Or ever shall be.
But I can try,
I can try to turn your grey to a blossom
Of flowers
A bouquet of bloomed beauty
Colors to expand from the dreary
Shed the heart from darkness.
I can do nothing for you,
But to say this.
The dismal trials of now
Where heads hang low
And the heart weigh heavy,
Are not forever,
The shadows may linger
Stretch from hill to hill,
But they end,
As does any season
But your feet must move
You must traverse the melancholy,
Find the light,
Create courage when there be none.
Spin thread to sew
When wounds bleed
Though you may wish them so.
There is no hill too steep
No mountain too vast
Nor a storm too powerful
To stop that which is you.
It is only your heart,
That shall give decision how far
How high,
You shall go.
It is your might to control.
And it is your mind you must fight.
Micah Biffle